Gladue Support

What is a Gladue Report?

A Gladue Report is a comprehensive document that provides important information about an

Indigenous persons background, circumstances, and factors contributing to their involvement in the

Criminal Justice System. Specifically tailored to address the unique experiences and systemic challenges

faced by Indigenous individuals. The report takes into account historical factors such as

intergenerational trauma, colonization, and the impact of residential schools. It aims to provide the

court with a deeper understanding of an offenders cultural and social context, helping them make more

informed decisions when determining appropriate sentences that promote healing, rehabilitation, and

address the root causes of criminal behavior.

Gladue Pre-Care, getting Gladue Ready!

Gladue Pre-Care is designed to assist individuals who are waiting for or preparing to order a

Gladue Report. At this stage, our main goal is to help prepare clients for their Gladue Report by

providing support and guidance. We meet with the client to understand their needs and connect

them with the right resources. This could include counseling, cultural support, employment or

volunteer opportunities, housing assistance, treatment options, or any other help they may

require. We hope to get the client set up for success and to become Gladue Ready.

Gladue After-Care, what’s next?

Gladue After-Care is for individuals who have recently undergone a Gladue Report or a Pre-

Sentence Report that includes Gladue Factors. During this stage, our focus is on helping clients

meet the recommendations outlined in the report and comply with any court-imposed

conditions. We also address their immediate needs and work together to set goals for the

present and future. Our aim is to support clients in their personal growth and healing, ensuring

they avoid repeating similar situations in the future. We meet clients where they are in their

journey and assist them in taking the steps they are ready for. Alongside offering connections to

various supports similar to those provided in Pre-Care, we also help clients fulfill any required

Community Work Service hours, assist them in managing required appointments, and offer our

support by accompanying them during court proceedings.

How to send a referral

*Please note, we cannot accept anyone with a history of sexual offences, violent domestic offences or

any offence involving death. *

We are able to work with both Youth and Adult Gladue Clients.

Please see blank Gladue Support Referral Form here

Referrals can be sent to